When the going gets tough, the tough print business cards! Every marketing and business book will tell you, in tough times, never cut back on your advertising spend. In fact, it is suggested you increase your advertising in tough times. One of the oldest ways to share your business brand is the good old business card. With all the remarkable technologies and electronic forms of sharing information, the business card is still ranking top on sites like Pinterest.
It carries with it that special high resolution print with ‘touch and feel’. A business card allows you to present a static design element which lasts, it also presents more value than a few digital pixels, especially on a busy mobile device or computer. People value the space on their screens and aim to clear items in their inbox. Most business users do not have the time to study images on a screen with as much intensity as they would a printed card.
Studio22 offers a wide range of printing options for design and print of business cards, flyers, posters, banners, labels, stickers and more. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact one of our team.