————————————-FULLY BOOKED———————————————————
Join Studio22 & Kobus Tollig for a Creative Lighting Workshop
Kobus Tollig is an award winning South African photographer with more than 8 years’ experience. His passion lies in wedding, portrait and wildlife photography.
Behind the camera Kobus is capable of creatively integrating and capturing the unique features of the venue, as well as all the personal elements of a wedding day – ensuring that every component of the special day are treasured for a lifetime.
Join Studio22 & Kobus Tollig on Thursday the 27th of November, 2014 from 18:30pm to 9:30pm at Studio22 for a Creative Lighting Workshop on speed light tips & techniques to the 5 fundamental lighting setups and much more, for only R150 per person.
This workshop will include an overview of the following topics:
- Speed light tips
- Speed light for wedding reception
- Creative lighting with speed lights
- 5 Fundamental lighting setups
- Off camera flash
Workshop Details:
- Time: 18:30pm – 9:30pm
- Date: Thursday, 27th of November, 2014
- Location: 7 Edison Way, Century Gate Business Park, Century City
- Cost: R150 per peson
- RSVP & Proof of Payment: Robyn Becker: social@studio22.co.za
- Refreshments & FREE goodie bags
————————————-FULLY BOOKED——————————————————-
“EFT” Payment notifications:
When making Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT), the “payment notice” alone is not sufficient confirmation of payment, as our account office must confirm receipt of payment prior to the workshop attendance. Please e-mail your payment notification to Robyn Becker: social@studio22.co.za (ie. proof of payment). Please use your name & include the code: KTW as reference on your deposit which will assist our account office to trace your payment.
Banking Details: FULLY BOOKED.