Nikon NSS Program
This Nikon Student Support Program will run from the 1 October 2015 – 30 September 2016 offering a 10% discount on any Nikon product purchase.
This limited promotion is an initiative by Nikon in South Africa to promote and support the study of photography. This promotion is applicable only to Nikon products purchased within the borders of South Africa through an authorised Nikon reseller. In order to register for NSS you are required to be a full-time student studying photography, graphic design or art through an official registered institution in South Africa. For more information email
Terms and Conditions Apply
- The Nikon Student Support promotion (“the Promotion”) shall endure and be valid from 1 October 2015 until 30 September 2016 (“duration/while the Promotion endures”).
- Only full-time students studying photography, graphic design and art through an official registered institution in South Africa (“Eligible Students”) qualify to be awarded with the Student Support Discount.
- Eligible Students will each be awarded with a Student Support Discount to the value of 10%, but only if he/she submits a copy of his/her valid student card or proof of registration and valid South African ID upon purchase.
- The 10% Student Support Discount will be awarded only for one purchase transaction and not for multiple purchases or redeemed at a later time.
- Neither the Student Support Discount nor any part thereof may be transferred, refunded or redeemed for cash.
- The Promotion is only available while stocks last.